Have you ever been so active outside on a hot day? Then, you should be familiar with that unquenchable thirst from dehydration and sweating. Pocari Sweats always come in handy as a refreshing way to cure dehydration and replenish lost electrolytes.
Hydration for you is just as important as it is for your feline friend, and when your cat loses vital minerals during an active day in the summer, then pocari sweat comes to mind. It contains sodium and potassium, which help replace lost electrolytes quickly.
If drinks like Pocari Sweat help replenish lost minerals in humans, what about our furry companion? Can cats drink Pocari Sweat? Here is everything you need to know about giving your cat pocari sweat for dehydration.
What is Pocari Sweat?
Pocari Sweat is a Japanese sports drink that replenishes the water and ions your body loses through sweating. It is a carbonation-free, caffeine-free, and preservative-free sports drink with a mild grapefruit flavor. It is also a refreshing drink commonly used as a beverage for physical activities such as exercise since it is quickly absorbed into the body.
Pocari Sweat is not an energy drink; the most notable thing about pocari sweat is what the product contains. Aside from flavored water and grapefruit, pocari sweat contains electrolyte minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and Magnesium. The body loses these ions during sweating, and drinking enough water alone is insufficient because these lost electrolytes must be replaced to prevent spontaneous dehydration.
Can Cats Drink Pocari Sweat?
You can occasionally give your cat pocari sweat, as one or two sips won’t hurt your cat’s health. However, do not give cats pocari sweat regularly because some of its constituents can be harmful to them.
It is important to note that the significant concerns of feeding your cat human-grade drinks are ruled out with pocari sweats since there are no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or soda in their constituents. Another compound you might worry about in grapefruit is psoralens, but when the flavorings are gotten from this fruit, the psoralens are expelled during the heating process.
Is Pocari Sweat safe for Cats?
While a small quantity of pocari sweat might be harmless to your feline friend, a high quantity could pose serious health problems. While considering the different needs of cats and humans regarding hydration, it only makes sense that both wouldn’t consume the same hydrating drinks. As a general rule of thumb, cats only need water to keep them hydrated after a long period. Human-grade electrolytes or sports drinks, such as Pocari Sweat, are prepared with the needs of humans in mind. Therefore, the constituents of this drink are the minerals and salts that humans use in their activity. Giving these to cats in small amounts occasionally isn’t harmful; giving them regularly and in high amounts can lead to a buildup of excess sodium, salt, or other unnecessary elements, as we all know that excess salt can lead to swelling, water retention, and blood pressure issues.
However, if your cat is sick and has diarrhea or is vomiting or unable to keep food down, electrolyte drinks can help support your cat’s fragile system until they are back to their healthy selves. Suppose your cat needs a liquid replacement for essential nutrients, in that case, it is preferable to choose electrolyte drinks designed for infants, such as Pedialyte, because they contain added ingredients more suitable for your pet’s unique digestive system.
Benefits of Pocari Sweat for Cats
Although pocari sweat may not be the best way to replenish lost electrolytes and water in your cat’s body, it could still provide some benefits when you occasionally use it in the right amount. Here are some benefits of pocari sweat:
Since pocari sweat is easily absorbed by the body, it helps replenish essential electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium, to maintain proper hydration levels.
Increased Energy
Pocari sweat comes in handy when your cat is feeling lethargic. Pocari sweat boosts energy by restoring electrolyte balance, helping your furry friend stay active and playful.
Can Kittens have Pocari Sweat?
Kittens cannot have pocari sweat because it is unsuitable for them as their systems are still very delicate. Only age-specific liquids are recommended.
Can Senior Cats have Pocari Sweats?
Senior cats cannot have pocari sweat because as felines age, their nutritional requirements change. They require a balance of essential nutrients that support aging joints, vitamins, and proteins that support their aging immune system. Since dehydration is more common in senior cats, especially those diagnosed with a health condition, it’s best to talk to your veterinarian about how to keep him hydrated.
Safe Alternatives to Pocari Sweat for Cats
Here are natural and healthy alternatives to pocari sweat for cats:
Fresh and Clean Water
When hydrating your pet, nothing can be compared to water. Water should always be the primary source of hydration for your cat. Water is crucial because it affects everything about your cat, from organ function and nutrient transportation to digestion and circulation. It also helps the kidney flush out toxins and reduces the possibility of developing urinary stones.
Coconut Water
Consider giving your cat a moderate amount (a few teaspoons) of coconut water to restore lost fluids and electrolytes. It contains many vitamins and minerals beneficial in hydration, digestion, and electrolyte balance.
Bone Broth
Bone broth is a liquid prepared from boiling animal bones and connective tissues in water. These parts are naturally high in collagen and account for 30% of protein in the human body. Cats have a low thirst drive, making it essential to use every opportunity to add moisture to their diet. Giving your cat bone broth is a great way to do this while providing vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. However, bone broth for human consumption should not be offered to cats as some of the ingredients are toxic to cats. It is preferable to provide homemade bone broth prepared with cat-safe ingredients.
Can Cats Drink Pocari Sweats? Final Thoughts?
Cats can occasionally have pocari sweats in moderate amounts since it is made with natural ingredients and free from xylitol. It can also be helpful to sick or weak cats in need of essential minerals to replace the lost ones due to their condition. However, it should be noted that sports drinks are human-grade drinks and are not made specifically for pets, so they could contain ingredients that might result in health issues for your cat. Therefore, they should not be used as a substitute for water.