Have you ever been tempted to share your favorite prime hydration drink with your cat? Then wait! Many cat parents have been asking, “Can cats drink Prime Hydration? Is it detrimental or beneficial? Can it be a regular solution for dehydration in cats?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s discuss in detail whether it’s okay to share your drink with your furry friend.
What is prime hydration?
Prime Hydration is a fruit-flavored sports drink that contains vitamins and minerals. It is a sugar-free soft drink sweetened with sucralose. It is trendy due to the social media hype its creators, Logan Paul and KSI, have created, printing it into our brains with numerous stunts and ads. It also became the people’s favorite, and grocery stores have had to ration it for consumers.
It is important to note that prime hydration is completely different from prime energy, and the two drinks should be distinct. Prime Energy is an energy drink. It is made with caffeine (about 200mg ) and lots of sugar, which is responsible for the energy boost and the feel-good satisfaction.
Can cats drink prime hydration?
Cats can have little Prime hydration since it doesn’t contain caffeine. Its main ingredients are water, coconut water, B vitamins, vitamins A and E, electrolytes, and sucralose (its artificial sweetener). It is important to note that prime hydration should not be a regular source of hydration for cats and cannot replace water or Coconut water due to several health risks.
Although we have been warned not to give cats foods or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners, the sweetener used in prime hydration is sucralose, which veterinarians consider nontoxic to cats, and they can even tolerate an overdose of it.
Water is the best source of hydration for cats, and coconut water, which is also one of the ingredients used in Prime Hydration, is a healthy drink that supplies electrolytes during emergency needs. You may worry about the sugar content of coconut water, but Prime Hydration is made with only 10% coconut water, which is very suitable for cats.
The major problem with sharing your prime hydration with your cat is that it could over-supply your cat with nutrients. Although vitamins and minerals are important for a cat’s functioning and development, they could pose a threat when the quantity exceeds the required amount.
Can cats drink prime energy?
Prime energy should not be given to cats since it contains high quantities of caffeine, which is toxic to cats and can lead to panting, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythm, and tremors. Sugar and synthetic chemical preservatives such as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, which are some of the constituents of prime energy, are also unsafe for cats.
On the other hand, it is widely assumed that prime energy is safe since it contains theanine and taurine, which are considered extremely important for cats. Such an assumption is beyond a doubt, as its hazards are not worth the two elements. Furthermore, there are a lot of other nutrient-dense foods that can fill the function of energy drinks in your cat’s diet.
What will happen to my cat after drinking prime hydration?
Nothing will happen if your cat takes some of your prime hydration in a small quantity. However, some cats may react negatively because it is newly introduced, but it’s nothing to worry about.
When you offer higher amounts, like an entire bottle of Prime Hydration, to cats, you indirectly put them at risk of being fed too many nutrients. Many micronutrients influence each other, and the excess of one can prevent the absorption of the other, which could have ill side effects in cats.
Can kittens have prime hydration?
Kittens cannot have prime hydration. It is better to stick with water, so give them as much water as possible instead of unhealthy drinks.
Can senior cats and super-senior cats have prime hydration?
Senior cats and super-senior cats are more vulnerable to becoming dehydrated, especially if they have underlying medical conditions such as chronic kidney disease or diabetes. It is unsafe to give them prime hydration. Fresh and clean water should be their only natural source of hydration, as human-safe drinks may be harmful to them and impact their health. Always ensure that various water bowls are available in the home in easily accessible areas for your senior cats. You can also add a small amount of water to your senior cat’s wet food.
Alternatives to prime hydration for cats
While prime hydration can only be safe for cats if you occasionally give little, it is best to prioritize natural cat-friendly drinks. Here are other natural and safer alternatives:
Like humans, two-thirds of a cat’s body is made up of water. Cats need a significant amount of water to survive and maintain their health. Cats require at least 3.5–4.5 ounces (about ½ a cup) of water per 5 pounds of body weight daily. Provide plain and fresh water as your cat’s primary source of hydration.
Unsweetened Bone broth
Bone broth is packed with nutrients and can be both hydrating and healthy. Like water, you can use broth anytime, even during mealtime enrichment. You can also make it more stylish by using chicken, beef, pork, or lamb. Ensure it is homemade, with no added onions, salt, or harmful flavors.
Diluted fruits
Juices made from cat-safe fruits such as watermelon, apples, and blueberries are refreshing treats when given in moderation occasionally. Ensure to dilute them with water.
Unsweetened coconut water
Coconut water is a source of natural electrolytes. Apart from hydrating your cat, it provides electrolytes to replace the ones lost, which is helpful for your cat’s rehydration during hot days. Offer only a small amount to prevent electrolyte imbalances.
Can cats have prime hydration? Final Thoughts
Cats can safely consume a few tablespoons of prime hydration without health problems. Ensure you only use these sports drinks occasionally to hydrate your cat in the absence of more natural hydrating sources like water or unsweetened coconut water. Also, keep in mind that prime hydration should not be a regular source of hydration for cats since it is capable of giving excess nutrients, which can be toxic to your cats.