Balut may be unappealing to many people due to its appearance when boiled, which shows a partially formed beak, feathers, and bones. People who love it refer to it as a great-tasting and satisfying meal. Since it is widely known that balut has many benefits for humans, your next question will be, Can cats eat balut?
As a pet owner, it is important to understand and prioritize what’s safe and beneficial for your cat’s diet. So let’s get into the article and learn everything you need about balut for cats.
What is balut?
Balut is a fertilized duck egg that is boiled, seasoned, and eaten in its shell. It is widely known as street food in the Philippines and other Asian countries, but it has gone global. Balut translates to wrap, which describes the embryo enclosed in a shell. The embryo in the egg is partially developed, giving the dish a unique texture and flavor. The duck egg is usually incubated at about 104 degrees for a specific period of time. The fertilization process typically ranges from 16 to 20 days.
The preparation of balut is similar to that of a hard-boiled egg. The only difference in the preparation is that it is not cooled before serving. Instead, the fertilized duck egg is placed in water, boiled for 20–30 minutes, and eaten once it reaches the right consistency. Balut is seasoned with either vinegar, salt, or soy sauce and served with a spicy dipping sauce. The seasoning is added after the egg has been cracked and peeled open.
Can cats eat balut?
Cats can eat a small amount of balut without any health issues. When feeding your cat balut, do not feed the broth, as it contains lots of seasoning, such as salt and vinegar. If cooking balut yourself, it is preferable not to include the broth, or when buying the cooked one, you can inform the vendor beforehand not to add the broth to the portion you intend to serve your cat.
While considering treating your furry friend to balut, you should also note that it is a high-sodium-containing food. The yolk of one balut has about 359mg of cholesterol, 59 mg above the 300 mg recommended daily cholesterol. High amounts of cholesterol could lead to serious health issues, so balut for cats should be fed occasionally as a treat in minimal amounts. In addition, the partially developed embryo may pose some choking hazards to your pet, which could be fatal.
Is Balut safe for cats?
Just as balut has many health benefits for humans, it also has similar benefits for your feline friend without the addition of its broth. Balut contains animal-based protein, which provides vitamins and amino acids. Cats cannot produce as many vitamins and amino acids as humans, so they depend on animal protein sources for these nutrients. Balut also contains calories and essential nutrients such as iron and calcium.
While balut may be beneficial to your cat, it is important to note that it cannot be used as a major source of protein for cats. High amounts of calories can make your cat overweight, and the essential amino acids may provide more than the recommended daily intake.
It is important to note that the production of balut can contaminate eggs with harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, which causes serious food-borne illnesses. Also, eating raw or undercooked balut can cause infection with avian influenza and other diseases.
Can kittens eat balut?
It is not recommended to give kittens balut, as they wouldn’t find it edible. It can also cause digestive upsets in kittens. Feeding kittens a completely formulated diet is preferable to ensure they have the required nutrients to shape their development into a healthy adult.
Can senior cats have balut?
For senior cats, you should first consider their health status and the foods they are susceptible to. A senior cat with hypothyroidism or arthritis should not be fed balut, even in moderation. It is also harmful to consider giving balut to senior cats with diabetes, as they need a well-regulated, balanced, and consistent diet to help control their blood sugar levels. Foods like balut, high in fat and carbohydrates, can disrupt the stability of blood glucose levels.
Can cats eat balut shells?
Every cat parent has heard more than once that it is worth giving cats eggshells to eat. You can add eggshells to your cat’s diet to supplement it with a source of calcium, as calcium contributes to strong bones and teeth. In addition, the shells contain other minerals like copper, iron, and zinc, which are also beneficial to your cat. However, before you feed balut eggs to your cats, ensure you soak the eggs in hot water for 5 minutes to eliminate any bacteria present. Air-dry the egg shells, grind them into smaller pieces, and sprinkle them on your cat’s food.
Safe Alternative Treats to Balut for Cats Health
Although balut may have several health benefits for your cat, it could also pose certain health risks if given in the wrong proportions. Here are other safe alternatives to feed your cat:
Cat treats
Commercially available cat treats are formulated explicitly for feline consumption. Ensure you buy treats with natural ingredients without added preservatives or artificial flavors.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds have many benefits for cats. They are appealing to cats and easy to prepare. Get some pumpkin seeds and roast them without adding salt.
Raw oatmeal is a common ingredient in many cat foods. It is a whole grain, high in good protein, amino acids, and healthy fats. It helps sustain your cat’s energy without loads of bad carbohydrates. You can also give your cat cooked oatmeal in moderation; just ensure to cook it with water rather than milk.
Cats are usually not interested in the sweetness of fruits due to their lack of sweet taste receptors. However, some fruits, such as bananas, watermelon, and Strawberries, can be eaten as a treat in moderation by cats. These fruits contain fibre and vitamins that can help support heart and kidney functions.
Can cats have balut? Final Thoughts
Cats can eat balut in small quantities (about 1/10 of the whole balut) occasionally, but this should be done in moderation since balut contains high amounts of sodium, cholesterol, and fats, which could lead to health issues.