Can Cats Eat Bitter Gourd? Health Benefits And Potential Risks

By Judith Corrs 11 Min Read

Can cats eat bitter gourd? As a caring pet parent, you may be asking this question because you want to feed your furry friend a new snack. Since humans can eat bitter gourd, is it also safe for cats to eat?

The short answer is yes, bitter gourd is safe for cats to eat. This bitter gourd, sometimes called Bitter Melon, can be a crunchy treat for your cat. However, this vegetable requires some preparation and moderation. Read on to learn more about feeding your cat bitter gourd, including the advantages and the potential risks. Let’s delve into it.

What is Bitter Gourd?

The bitter gourd is also called Bitter melon, Balsam pear, Ampalaya, and Bitter cucumber. It is a popular tropical vegetable plant commonly grown in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

This green vegetable has a rough textured skin and elongated shape and stands true to its name as it tastes bitter. It has low calories and is nutrient-dense, which is why you will find it in many cuisines worldwide, especially Asian and African culinary traditions.

Can Cats Eat Bitter Gourds?

Yes! Bitter gourd is safe for your cat to eat. As tasteless as the name sounds, you can feed it to your cat without worrying. It is highly nutritious, and its numerous health benefits will keep your cat happy and healthy. For instance, it’s rich in folic acid, which can promote cell functioning and prevent anemia by raising the number of red blood cells. In addition, only some parts of bitter gourd are edible. Your cat can safely eat the plant’s flesh, skin, and leaves, not the seeds.  Do not feed the seeds to your cat as they can be toxic and make your dog sick, so when preparing, remove all the seeds.

Is Bitter Gourd Good For Cats?

Bitter gourd or bitter melon is not harmful to cats. It can also make a crunchy and tasty treat for your feline companion. You can let your cat enjoy cooked or raw bitter gourd without any concerns. However, raw bitter gourd is very bitter, so you can cook it and mix it with their favorite food to make it more appealing. Note that the preparation method is also important, as you must prepare it well before serving.

Although cats can eat bitter gourd without problems, consuming a large portion can cause stomach upset, discomfort and indigestion. Like other human foods, moderation is key.

Benefits of Bitter Gourd to Cats

Bitter gourd is a nutritious vegetable that is low in calories and rich in essential vitamins such as vitamin A, C, fiber and folate. In addition, it contains antioxidants and has anti-diabetic properties. Let’s explore how these benefits can positively impact your furry companion;

  • It contains Vitamin C, which is vital in boosting your cat’s immune system, strengthening its body’s defenses against diseases, and reducing inflammation.
  • It is a good source of Vitamin A, essential for your cat’s skin health and vision.
  • It is rich in vitamin B9 (folate), an essential vitamin that supplies your cat’s energy and aids in their growth and development.
  • Bitter melon’s high fiber content aids healthy digestion by promoting natural bowel movements.
  • It’s rich in antioxidants that help prevent cellular ageing in cats by removing harmful free radicals and toxins.
  • Bitter gourd has anti-diabetic properties. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels and manage cholesterol.

Potential Risks of Bitter Gourd to Cats

While bitter gourd may improve a cat’s health in many ways, there are a few health issues to be aware of, and some of these concerns include:


It is common knowledge that bitter gourd can help control blood sugar levels. However, the combination of eating bitter gourd and taking diabetes medications may cause an excessive drop in your cat’s blood glucose. Therefore, it is important to watch your cat’s blood sugar levels when feeding them bitter gourd.

Digestive upset

Excessive consumption of bitter gourd can lead to digestive problems, including vomiting and diarrhea.

Choking hazard

Bitter gourd seeds pose a choking hazard, so if you want to share some with your cat, ensure you remove all the seeds.

Not safe for pregnant and lactating cats

Avoid giving bitter gourd to pregnant cats as it could potentially lead to miscarriage. Also, do not feed lactating cats bitter gourds.

How to Safely Feed Bitter Gourd to Cats

Now you know that bitter gourd is safe for cats in moderation, but you might be wondering how to prepare it before feeding your cat, so here is a guide.

  1. A bitter gourd has different parts – the skin, seeds, and flesh. For the rind, make sure you peel it off because it’s highly bitter. Removing it will make the taste more appealing. Also, the roughness of the skin may be difficult for some cats to chew.
  2. The seeds are dangerous to your cat and can cause severe complications, including digestive issues, choking or fever. Ensure to remove the seeds before feeding your cat.
  3. The flesh is the main area your cat should consume. You can serve it raw or cooked but do not season it. Salt, along with oil and spices, is harmful to cats.
  4. Always remember not to give too much. Reduce the portion to prevent stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  5. Lastly, before feeding your cat, always cut it into small pieces.

Cat-friendly Alternatives to Bitter Gourd

Are there any alternatives to bitter gourd?

Of course! If your furry friend doesn’t like bitter gourd but you still want to give him a nutritious snack, here are other safe, cat-friendly alternatives.


Pumpkin is a great option for cats, similar to bitter gourd. It helps with stomach problems and supports a healthy digestive tract due to its probiotic qualities.


Watermelon is packed with fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. It’s perfectly safe for your cat to eat, but do not feed them the rind or seeds.


Carrots contain lots of vitamin A, just like bitter gourd. It improves your cat’s vision and boosts their immune system. To feed carrots to your cats, grate them or cut them into chewable bits. You can also steam them.


Cucumber is a crisp, low-calorie snack. It is healthy for cats and contains about 96% water, thereby hydrating your cat as well as providing nutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cats eat bitter gourd every day?

Cats should not eat bitter gourd every day as excessive consumption might result in diarrhea and digestive upset. Cats should only eat bitter gourd occasionally as a treat.

Can cats eat bitter gourd seeds?

Cats should not eat bitter gourd seeds as it can lead to serious health complications such as digestive issues. Your cat is also prone to choking while eating the seeds.

Can cats eat bitter gourd juice?

Cats can eat bitter gourd juice. To get the juice, you can blend the vegetables.

Can cats eat bitter gourd leaves?

Cats can eat bitter gourd leaves. The bitter gourd, bitter melon, or ampalaya leaves are safe for cats to consume. The good news is that according to research, the leaves are rich in antioxidants that actively combat and safely eliminate harmful free radicals from your cat’s body.

My Cat Ate Lots Bitter Gourd, What Do I Do?

Bitter Gourd is not a natural food for cats, so giving them small amounts occasionally in addition to their regular meals is always advisable. However, if your cat ate lots of bitter gourds, watch out for episodes of diarrhea and vomiting and contact your vet immediately.

Bitter gourd is also unsuitable for cats with low blood sugar due to its strong hypoglycemic effect. We talked about how the bitter gourd’s ability to lower blood sugar could be beneficial for diabetic cats. However, cats that currently take diabetes drugs can risk having dangerously low blood sugar levels. In that case, contact your vet immediately and let him know how much bitter gourd your cat consumed and any medications he’s taking.

Can cats eat Ampalaya?

Ampalaya is safe for cats to consume as it offers numerous health benefits. Remember that Ampalaya is also known as Bitter gourd or Bitter melon.

Can cats eat bitter melon?

Yes, bitter melon, or bitter gourd, is suitable for cats. It contains vitamins and minerals, both of which have many benefits. Keep in mind that while your cat can eat the raw and cooked flesh, the seeds should not be eaten. The seeds might cause stomach upset and put them in danger of choking.

Final Thoughts

Cats can consume bitter gourd, but only in moderation. You can feed them raw or cook them plain without adding seasonings. Removing the seeds and cutting them into small pieces before your cat digs in is also important.
Apart from its bitter taste, it is a rich source of minerals, including iron, potassium, and zinc, as well as vitamins A and C, which can benefit your cat’s overall health.

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