Can Cats Eat Black Currants? Are Black Currants Toxic To Cats?

By Judith Corrs 9 Min Read

Cat owners often wonder about the toxicity of various human foods. The concern about the safety of some human foods increased after learning that certain foods, including raisins, grapes and sultanas, were toxic for pets. Many pet owners often ask: Can cats eat black currant? Is black currant safe for them?

The short answer is no. Black currants are toxic to cats and fall under the same category as grapes and raisins. Read on to learn more about black currants and cats, how to safeguard your cats from black currants, and the potential risks and rapid response essentials.

What Is Black Currant?

Blackcurrant, also known as cassis, is a deciduous shrub commonly grown for its edible berries. It is native to temperate parts of central and northern Europe and northern Asia. It is generally cultivated both commercially and domestically.

The raw fruit is rich in vitamin C (five times as much as white or red currants) and can be eaten raw, but they are usually cooked in sweet or savory dishes. They are commonly used to make jams, preserves, and syrups. They are also made into jellies, juices or dessert wines because of their tart flavour. They usually have a sweet and sour taste and can be frozen for later use.

Can Cats Eat Black Currant?

Cats should not eat black currant as they are toxic to cats. Eating a small number of black currant can cause serious injuries to cats, and in extreme cases, it can cause kidney failure.

Unfortunately, the toxic compound within this fruit has not yet been identified. Also, the amount of this fruit that needs to be ingested to make a cat sick is currently unknown. For these reasons, it is important to avoid feeding your cat the juice, skin, and flesh of black currant.

Any Health Benefits?

Black currants are a great source of antioxidants that help protect cells from the harmful damage that can be caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. Black currants are also rich in fiber, helping to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

Just like Acai Berries, most pet parents believe that any fruit that is beneficial to humans should also possess some nutritional benefits for their feline companions. But this isn’t the case with black currant.

Potential Risks of Black Currants

  • Black currants causes renal failure in cats.
  • Diarrhea and anorexia are common risks of black currants.
  • It can also lead to gut problems.
  • In extreme cases, it can be fatal.

What Are The Signs Of Black Currant Poisoning?

Symptoms usually occur as early as 24 hours after exposure. Here are common signs to watch out for:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased drinking and urination

What Should I Do If My Cat Eats Black Currant?

If you keep black currants in your house, and your curious cat gets into them, your best course of action is to contact your veterinarian immediately. A thorough work (including blood work, urinalysis, and serum biochemical analysis) will be done to help your vet diagnose potential kidney failure.

In another case where you didn’t see what your cat ingested but have noticed behavior or symptoms that indicate black currant poisoning, again, seek veterinary care. With immediate action on your part, a veterinarian can quickly investigate what your cat ate and take action to ensure swift recovery.

What Are The Treatments If My Cat Eats Back Currant?

Emptying the stomach

Your vet may give your cat an injection to induce vomiting. This aims to bring out undigested fruit and prevent further toxins from being absorbed.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is a black powder that traps toxins. It is usually mixed with water and given as a paste.

A fluid drip

Your vet may need to put your cat on a fluid drip to support their kidneys. A fluid drip also helps them flush out any fruit toxins in their bloodstream.


Your vet may need to give your cat other medications depending on its symptoms and poor condition.

Blood tests

Blood tests are usually done to check whether the fruit has affected your cat’s kidneys. It may be necessary to run the same tests a few more times as kidney problems can take a few days to develop.

Prevention Tips And Safety Measures

  1. Do not feed black currants to your cats intentionally.
  2. Preventing access to black currants is key. Store these fruits out of reach and educate family members and visitors about the dangers they pose to cats.
  3. Before giving any food that is not homemade, read the ingredients list to ensure it does not contain currants.
  4. Currants are commonly found in cookies and cereals. If these types of products are wasted, lock the garbage cans properly to prevent your cat from eating them.
  5. Be sure not to leave any products containing currants lying carelessly.

Safe Alternative Treats

Cats are unlikely to take much interest in fruit, but here are a few that are considered safe and healthy for them.

Pumpkin is safe for cats to eat as it provides fiber, moisture, and other nutrients your cat needs. Pet owners often feed pumpkins when their feline friend experiences diarrhea or soft stools.

Other fruits that you can consider feeding in moderation to your cat include:

  • Bananas
  • Peeled apples (remove the seeds)
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe/watermelon (remove the seeds)
  • Avocado (no skin or pit)

For a creamy treat/reward for your cat, blend the fruit with a bit of plain, low-fat yogurt. These fruits are excellent alternatives that provide nutritional benefits without the risk of toxicity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cats eat blackcurrant raw?

Ingestion of blackcurrant can cause severe health issues such as renal failure in cats. So it should be avoided.

Can cats eat blackcurrant leaves?

No. Blackcurrant leaves are poisonous to cats and should be avoided.

Can cats eat blackcurrant stems?

Blackcurrant stems contain oxalates, which are toxic to cats.

What should I do if my cat eats a grape?

If your cat eats a grape, immediately contact your vet. Do not wait for symptoms to appear, as early intervention is crucial.

Can a small amount of grapes harm my cat?

Yes, even a small amount of grapes can be harmful to cats.

Are dried fruits like raisins and sultanas equally dangerous?

Dried fruits such as raisins, sultanas, and black currants are equally dangerous to cats. They can lead to death in extreme cases.

Final Thoughts

The answer to the question; can cats eat black currant is a big No! Black currant is toxic to cats and can lead to kidney failure. The safety measures highlighted above should be followed properly to avoid accidental ingestion since cats are curious creatures.

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