As a cat parent, we all understand the temptation to share a tasty treat we enjoy with our feline friend. It can also be tricky to differentiate between the treats that are good for them and those that are not. One of such delight is black pudding.
Black pudding is tasty; we can’t deny that fact, and many cat owners may have a hard time resisting the urge to offer their cats a bite of it, which brings us to the question; can cats eat black pudding? Read on to know more about giving your cats black pudding and safe alternatives you can offer as an occasional treat.
What is Black Pudding?
Black pudding, also known as blood sausage, is made of pork blood, shortening, cereal grains, and seasonings. It uses beef or lard suet for its shortening. Seasoned chefs can differentiate black pudding from other blood sausage traditions by its signature herbs and high cereal content. Thyme, mint, marjoram, and pennyroyal are the common distinct herbs, while barley, oatmeal, and oat groats are the most common cereal grains in black pudding.
Black pudding has a strong, earthy, meaty, and nutty flavor. The herbs and spices in it create its flavor profiles ranging from mild to hot. The cereal grain fillers absorb the pork blood, giving it a dry, chewy texture.
Can cats eat black pudding?
When we look at the ingredients in black puddings, the answer to the question is a yes, but there are some caveats. Although black pudding is a very rich product, it is high in fat; therefore, giving your cat on special occasions or as a treat is usually advisable. Feeding your cat black pudding in small amounts will not cause any issues, and even if your cat manages to steal a small portion from your breakfast plate, it won’t cause any health issues. Do not consider feeding your cat black pudding regularly because of the high fat, calorie, and salt content.
Are black pudding ingredients safe for cats?
Black pudding contains ingredients humans can handle during digestion, but these ingredients are difficult for our furry friends to handle. The ingredients in black pudding include pork blood, beef suet, oatmeal, salt, onions, black pepper and spices, which can negatively impact your kitty’s health. So, let’s examine each of these ingredients.
Pork Blood
Cats should never be given blood as a part of their diet as blood is not a complete source of nutrition, and it can potentially carry pathogens that could harm your cat. While their wild counterparts may consume blood naturally as they eat their prey, domestic cats have different nutritional needs and health considerations.
Beef Suet
The high-fat content in beef suet could lead to weight gain and additional health problems such as pancreatitis.
The high salt content in black pudding can remove moisture from your cat’s body and cause dehydration. It can also lead to more complicated health issues such as diarrhea, vomiting, and kidney damage.
It is important to note that any amount of onion ingestion can cause stomach upset in cats, but the most severe effect occurs when more than 5 grams of onions are ingested per kilogram of their body weight.
Seasoning and Spices
Garlic is poisonous to cats if they repeatedly nibble on small amounts over time or if they eat a large serving at a time. The chemicals in garlic can enter your cat’s bloodstream and start rupturing its red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia, a hazardous health condition. Even if your cat doesn’t eat a toxic dose of nutmeg, nutmeg poisoning in cats can still occur with as little as one teaspoon of ground nutmeg or two whole nutmeg seeds. Nutmeg poisoning causes stomach upset in cats.
Salt, fat and spices are three of the main ingredients you need to moderate in your cat’s diet to keep them healthy and that’s why it is not advisable to make black pudding a part of your cat’s regular diet. In addition, as long as your cat is on a healthy diet, feeding them a tiny piece of black pudding as a treat is fine.
Can Kittens have black pudding?
Kittens cannot have black pudding due to their fragile digestive system. For their diet, kittens should only stick to a standard, quality formula suitable for their age group, as it is essential to provide a balanced diet for a growing kitten.
Safe Alternatives to Black Pudding
Although most cats will respond well to black pudding rewards or treats, it is important to note that many equally effective yet healthier alternatives could replace black pudding. The key is to select foods with nutritional value and no toxic ingredients. Here are a few options to consider:
Freshly cooked salmon
The best way to feed your cat salmon is when it is cooked thoroughly. Cooked salmon is ideal for your cat’s health, but do not add salt, dressings, or extra seasonings. Just serve the salmon to your cat once it’s cooled.
Fully cooked chicken
Cats are meat eaters and need protein from meat for good vision, a strong heart, and a healthy reproductive system, and cooked chicken is a great way to give them that. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the chicken is cooked and not feed your cat raw chicken.
Cooked Turkey slices
Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning meat is essential to their diet. Turkey meat that has been thoroughly cooked is a tasty treat for cats, but it should only be offered in moderate amounts rather than large quantities.
Zucchini is one of the best vegetables to feed your cat. Zucchinis aid in weight loss and are particularly low in calories. They contain high levels of vitamins A, B6, and C, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and dietary fiber.
Many fruits such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, and pears are safe for your cats to eat, but they should be in moderation. They’re high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants and can be a great support in maintaining good eye health and decreasing the risk of UTIs. Be sure to cut the fruits into small pieces and feed them in moderation.
Can cats eat black pudding? Final Thoughts
Cats can eat black pudding in small amounts occasionally. Remember, only feed black pudding to your cat as a treat and in moderation. Please do not use it as part of their regular diet.
Although it contains some protein and nutrients, and you might consider giving it to your cat regularly, you should note that the high salt and fat content, the added seasonings and spices are harmful to cats. In addition, the nutritional balance of black pudding is inappropriate for your cat’s daily dietary needs.