Can Cats Eat Coco Pops?

By Judith Corrs 8 Min Read

Coco Pops is a chocolate-flavored cereal with a unique taste and flavor. It is a popular breakfast choice because of its convenience and loved by both children and adults.

As a lover of coco pops, you would have noticed that whenever you’re filling your bowl up, you’ll see your cat begging you to fill theirs, too. Sometimes, we just can’t help our curious cats from eating something they shouldn’t, as they might likely eat any coco pops you spill or munch soggy handfuls from the table. Then you start wondering and asking: can cats eat Coco Pops? Is Coco Pops safe for cats? Let’s explore whether cats can eat Coco Pops and if there’s anything to worry about if your kitty crunches on some Coco Pops.

What are Coco Pops?

Coco Pops, also known as Choco Krispis or Cocoa Krispies outside of the United Kingdom, is a popular breakfast cereal produced by Kellogg’s and launched in 1958. Coco Pops are just like a chocolate milkshake but crunchy. They are made from steaming rice grains, adding salt, sugar, and some vitamins and minerals. The rice is moved to the oven and turned into crunchy, puffed grains of rice. The last part is mixing cocoa syrup into the rice bubbles and then drying it.

Can Cats Eat Coco Pops?

Cats should not eat coco pops because it is a chocolate-flavored cereal. It contains unhealthy ingredients, including cocoa powder, sugar and salt, which are toxic to them.

Is Coco Pops Toxic to Cats?

We’ll examine its ingredients to know if Coco Pops is safe or toxic to cats.


Coco Pops are made from grains of puffed rice, which is generally safe for cats. However, if your kitty is grain sensitive, it might cause gastrointestinal upset, leading to vomiting and digestion issues.


Sugar isn’t toxic to cats and isn’t very good for them. Your feline’s metabolism is naturally adapted to a meat-based diet, so it has a limited capacity to process carbs. Feeding your cat sugary cereal every day can put them at risk of developing digestive problems, obesity, and dental issues.

Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder contains caffeine and theobromine, which are toxic to cats. In large amounts, it can be fatal.


Cereals containing salt are not healthy for cats. Too much salt intake can lead to salt poisoning, which causes water deprivation in cats and leads to vomiting, excess thirst, and fever. In extreme cases, it can lead to death.

Ultimately, any food that doesn’t nourish your cat is considered unhealthy since it has a higher chance of making your cat sick than it does of providing nutritional benefits.

What happens if my cat eats chocolate cereal?

A little (about 2 – 3 small pieces) chocolate cereal will not affect your cat’s health. However, chocolate cereals contain theobromine, and higher amounts of it will affect your cat negatively. In case your cat has ingested a significant amount of chocolate cereals, here are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Restlessness
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased heart rate
  • Heightened temperature
  • Seizures
  • Muscle rigidity

Observing any of these symptoms means your cat might have ingested a large amount of chocolate cereals. In this case, you should contact the vet immediately.

Can cats eat cereal with milk?

Your cat should never eat a whole bowl of cereal with or without milk. To give your cat a spoonful of cereal as a treat will depend on the type of cereal and if it contains any potentially toxic ingredients. Regarding milk, remember that most cats are lactose intolerant and could get sick with stomach cramps, flatulence, and diarrhea. Although a tiny amount, like a teaspoonful, might not pose a severe threat, it’s still best to avoid it altogether. Nobody wants to see their precious cats in pain with a tummy ache and diarrhea, so refrain from feeding it to them.

What cereal can cats eat?

As caring pet parents, it is important to remember that cats are obligate carnivores, so their diet should primarily consist of animal proteins. Therefore, you shouldn’t make cereal a regular part of your cat’s diet as it doesn’t contain enough nutrients that cats require for good health. Some cereals are suitable in small amounts, and you can give them as an occasional treat.


Oatmeal is one of the most popular cereals for cats. It is rich in fiber, which helps in digestion. Oatmeal contains vital vitamins and minerals, such as niacin, thiamine, and phosphorus. The oatmeal should be cooked and fed in moderation, as high amounts can cause digestive upset and diarrhea. Do not serve dry oatmeal to your cat to prevent choking hazards.

Wheat bran

Wheat bran is high in fiber, low in calories, and an excellent source of B vitamins. However, wheat bran should only be fed to cats in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to digestive upset and constipation.

While plain cereal without toxic ingredients is safe for cats, it doesn’t translate to a healthy snack option. Your cat doesn’t need anything from cereal to stay healthy. Cats are mostly more attracted to the crunchy texture of the cereal than its taste, so it is best to buy them some cat-friendly treats instead of feeding them processed human foods.

Alternative Treats For Your Cat

Here are some of the best treats to give to cats instead of coco pops:

Organic Cat Treats

Pet parents looking for a tasty and healthy option to reward their kitty without adding unhealthy ingredients should consider organic cat treats. They are made with natural ingredients, rich in vitamins and minerals, and free from artificial colorings and preservatives.

Tuna Treats

Tuna is an excellent source of protein for cats and is a great way to give your cat the essential nutrients they need without worrying about the unhealthy ingredients in chocolate cereals. Tuna treats are low in calories and are an excellent snack for cats trying to maintain their weight.

Freeze-Dried Treats

Freeze-dried treats are a great crunchy snack option for your cat. These treats are made with meat, fruits, and freeze-dried vegetables to make them fresh and preserve their nutritional value. They are a healthy and nutritious snack free from any artificial preservatives.


Your cat shouldn’t eat Coco Pops or any chocolate-flavored cereal as they contain ingredients that are toxic to cats. Chocolate-flavored cereals can cause serious cat health issues and be fatal in extreme cases. However, it is best to stick to healthy treats made specifically for cats to avoid any potential health risks.


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