Can Cats eat Coconut Ice cream?

By Judith Corrs 8 Min Read

Ice cream, especially coconut ice cream is a refreshing treat during summer, and many humans find it irresistible.

Since cats are curious creatures and will likely want to taste what you enjoy, you might be wondering: can cats eat coconut ice cream? Is coconut ice cream safe for cats? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know and show you how to make healthy homemade cat ice cream, so read on.

Cats And Dairy

We all know that ice cream is usually made from milk, and throughout history, we have been made to believe that cats love milk. On this note, many people expect ice cream to be good for cats, but they are wrong.

The idea of cats loving dairy is just mere theories. The only milk a kitten requires is milk from their mother. Most adult cats are often lactose intolerant, which means that they lack the enzyme (lactase) needed to properly digest lactose (the sugar found in dairy products like ice cream). Feeding cats dairy products can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating. It can also cause gastrointestinal issues in felines as well.

Can Cats Eat Ice Cream?

The direct answer to this question is a no, and there is no in-between. Ice cream is not suitable for cats for several reasons which are:

  1. The primary ingredient of ice cream is the cream, which is unsuitable for them due to lactose intolerance.
  2. High Sugar Content: Although sugar isn’t toxic to cats, it has no nutritional value. In high amounts, it can cause obesity and lead to diabetes and dental disease, just like it does in humans.
  3. High-Fat Content: Ice cream is high in fat, and this can be difficult for cats to digest, thereby leading to serious health problems like high cholesterol, obesity, pancreatitis and liver disease if taken often.

Additionally, many ice creams contain added ingredients and flavourings that are toxic to cats. Sugar-free ice cream may contain sweeteners such as xylitol, which is also harmful to cats.

Can Cats have a little lick of Ice cream?

Cats can occasionally have a tiny lick of plain, non-toxic ice cream without any health effects, but consuming large amounts will lead to weight gain and gastrointestinal problems. Although ice cream is safe in minute quantities for cats, but it isn’t recommended.

Is Coconut Safe for Cats to Eat?

Small amounts of natural, plain and unprocessed forms of coconut do not cause serious harm to felines. However, the oils present within the flesh and the milk of a fresh coconut can cause diarrhoea and stomach upset.

Can Cats eat Coconut milk?

Coconut milk is potentially harmful to your cat. It is high in fats and oils, so it is best not to give coconut milk to your cat.

Can Cats Eat Coconut Yoghurt?

Coconut yoghurt is rich in potassium and calcium, which strengthens your cat’s bones. It contains magnesium, which is necessary for absorbing essential vitamins and proteins. It also contains probiotics, which help treat digestive issues. Feeding coconut yoghurt in small quantities to your cat occasionally should be fine for them.

Can Cats eat Coconut Ice cream?

Although the unprocessed natural coconut fruit is not toxic for your cat, cats shouldn’t eat coconut ice cream. Feeding your cat coconut ice cream can easily upset your cat’s stomach and cause health issues due to some ingredients it contains that are unhealthy, as well as others that are actually toxic. Coconut ice cream is similar to coconut milk. The only difference is that it has a thicker consistency and contains less water, so it is best to avoid it.

Can cats eat coconut ice cream every day?

Cats should not eat coconut ice cream every day as it can cause serious health issues and can be fatal in some cases.

What kind of ice cream can cats eat?

It is vital to avoid giving them any ice cream at all since most cats are lactose intolerant. However, you can make homemade cat-friendly ice cream and feed it to your cat if they love a cold treat, especially during summer.

Homemade Cat Ice cream

The great thing about homemade cat ice cream is that it is inexpensive, and you probably already have most of the ingredients at home. You can use your cat’s favourite food, cat milk and snacks. Remember that chocolate and sugar may sweeten ice cream for humans, but these ingredients are forbidden for cats.

Recipe 1: Ice-cold fish taste

If your cat loves fish, then your cat will enjoy this recipe. It is easy to make, and you only need tuna and water.


Ice cube mould (To prevent spills when adding unfrozen ice cream to the mould, it’s more advisable to use a piping bag or a teaspoon).


  • One portion of Tuna
  • Water


  1. Purée one portion of tuna.
  2. Add water to it until the mixture takes on a creamy texture.
  3. Fill the ice cube mould with the tuna cream.
  4. Store ice cube mould filled with tuna in the freezer until the ice cream mixture is frozen.

Recipe 2: Wet food ice cream


  • One portion of your cat’s favourite food
  • Water


  1. Purée one portion of your cat’s favourite food.
  2. Add water to it until the mixture takes on a creamy texture.
  3. Fill the ice cube mould with the creamy mixture.
  4. Store in the freezer until the ice cream mixture is frozen.


Just like humans, cats should only indulge in treats in moderation. A balanced feline diet is important for their overall health, so cat ice cream should only be given occasionally.

Allow the ice cream to thaw a bit before serving it to them.

Regardless of your recipe, it’s best to serve the treat to your cat in a small bowl to prevent the ice cream from melting on the floor. Bon appétit to your cat!

Final Thoughts

Coconut ice cream is not a healthy treat for cats and, in most cases, can be unsafe due to its ingredients. It’s best to avoid giving your cat coconut ice cream. While coconut isn’t toxic to cats, ice cream can cause digestive issues due to lactose intolerance in many felines. Additionally, the sugar and additives in ice cream are unsuitable for a cat’s diet. For a safe treat, consider cat-specific alternatives.

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