Can Cats eat Corn Dogs?

By Judith Corrs 8 Min Read

Corn dog is a classic fair and carnival food and has been a favorite among food lovers for decades. The reason is not far-fetched since they are so yummy and irresistible.

As a cat parent, you might be tempted to share this crispy, golden-brown snack on a stick with your feline friend. After all, they seem to love most of our foods just as much as we do. Unfortunately, only some human-grade foods are safe for our pets to consume; therefore, we should only feed our feline friends bites off our plates if we are sure the food won’t harm them. Now, the obvious question is, can cats eat corn dogs? Is it healthy for them? Read on to know more.

Corn Dog

A corn dog is a famous American snack consisting of a sausage (usually a hot dog) coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep-fried until golden and crispy. The hot dog is generally skewered on a wooden stick, making it a favorable and portable snack that can be enjoyed on the go. There are numerous varieties of corn dogs, such as chicken, beef, pork, and cheese-filled options. They can also be topped with condiments of choice, from ketchup to mustard.

The history of corn dogs dates back to the 1920s when it was first introduced at the Texas State Fair. Since then, it has become a common staple at fairs, sporting events, and amusement parks across the United States. The exact inventor of the corn dog is a matter of debate, but its popularity cannot be denied.

Can cats eat corn dogs?

Cats should not eat corn dogs as it can affect their health negatively. The primary ingredients in corn dogs, like cornmeal and hotdogs, are not toxic to your cat; however, the high salt and fat content and other additives are not a healthy choice for your cat. Cats that regularly consume a lot of fat are at risk for pancreatitis, and cats that regularly consume a high volume of salt are at risk for salt poisoning.

Is corn dogs safe for cats?

Cats can only eat a little corndog occasionally without problems. In higher amounts and as a regular treat, corndogs are unsafe for cats.

One of the ingredients in making corn dogs is oil, and since the corn dogs are deep-fried, they end up soaking in lots of oil, thereby increasing the fatty content, which can lead to obesity. Consuming too much fat regularly can also put your cat at risk of developing pancreatitis.

Corn dogs are a food that is high in sodium. Cats who consume too much salt put themselves at risk of developing heart disease and high blood pressure, along with salt poisoning, which can be fatal in extreme cases.

Cornmeal is safe for cats, and most cat foods contain cornmeal as a filler. However, there is a caveat: this batter is usually mixed with other ingredients, especially sugar, which can lead to diabetes and obesity in higher quantities.

Lastly, using milk in corn dogs is harmful as most cats are lactose intolerant. They don’t have the enzyme in their intestines to digest the sugar in milk. They can get diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain from milk(just like lactose intolerance in humans).

Can cats eat corn dogs raw?

Cats should not eat raw corn dogs, as eating uncooked or undercooked corn dogs could pose a risk of foodborne illness, especially if the hot dog inside is not cooked. Raw corn dogs often contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella. Salmonella in cats can cause different infections, such as chronic or acute intestinal infection/inflammation, or more severe infections, such as sepsis, a blood-borne bacteria.

What will happen if my cat accidentally eats corn dogs?

If your cat ate some of your corn dogs, nothing would happen as a small portion is incapable of causing severe harm to your cat. The worst that could happen at that moment is an upset stomach. However, when it comes to health, we should always consider the long-term consequences. While there may not be any short-term issues, feeding your cat as much as one full corn dog regularly will certainly create a future of severe health issues.

What to feed your cat instead of corn dogs

Generally, your cat should get all its nutrients from balanced cat food, but some human foods are also safe. If you want to share some human food with your kitty, here are healthier choices than corn dogs.


Cooked, lean meats such as beef, turkey, chicken, lamb, and liver are all safe for your cat to eat. However, you must take great care when serving to ensure the meat is cooked through. Do not give cats raw meat as it can make your cat sick – and remove all the skin and bones before feeding your cat.


Cats are commonly known for their love of fish, and most types are actually safe for your cat to eat. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are suitable for your cat’s overall health and beneficial for senior cats with arthritis and kidney disease. As with meats, ensure the fish is properly cooked, and all the bones are removed, and never give your cat raw fish.


Fruits can be a hit-and-miss with cats, with many not liking the texture or the taste. If your cat is like mine and has a bit of a sweet tooth for fruit, then quite a few are safe for them to eat. Fruits contain potassium and fiber, as well as being a source of vitamins A and C, and are low in calories! Cantaloupe, bananas, seedless watermelon, blueberries, deseeded and peeled apples, and pumpkins can all be a tasty snack.

Can cats eat corn dogs? Final Thoughts

Cats cannot have corn dogs because they are not a healthy choice for your cat. You might think that adding a meat protein improves the corn dog’s nutritional picture, but in the true sense, it doesn’t. Processed meat products are usually full of additional ingredients such as sugars, spices, and preservatives, which makes them one of the worst types of meat you can feed to your feline. If you want to treat your cat, you’re better off feeding them nutritional treats or corndogs made specifically for cats.

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