Cats are curious creatures and will always show interest in the foods they see that we enjoy.
As a cat parent, it is no secret that cats will always plead to have a taste of your delicious snacks. When this happens, you start wondering if it’s safe to share your tasty treats with your furry friend or if it is a sure way to give them a stomach upset.
So, can cats have crème brulee? Cats can have creme brulee, but it is not recommended that they do. This article contains everything you need to know about serving creme brulee to cats as a treat and safer alternatives you could offer.
What is Creme Brulee?
Creme brulee is a French dessert that consists of a custard as a base and the top is made of torched sugar which gives it a crunchy texture.
During the caramelizing process, the heat warms the top of the custard while the center is cool.
The custard base sometimes has a vanilla flavour, can be garnished with fruits, and is also made in different variations.
Creme brulee is easily prepared with just four ingredients (sugar, egg yolks, vanilla, and cream). The custard base is formed by whisking sugar, egg yolks, and vanilla in a bowl. The cream is heated until close to a boiling point before being whisked into the egg mixture.
The mixture is poured into a double boiler and stirred over simmering water until a thick mixture is achieved.
It is then turned into creme brulee dishes or ramekins, baked in an oven, and cooled to room temperature.
Lastly, the caramelized sugar is formed by sprinkling some sugar (ground) on top of the custard and caramelizing it by using a kitchen blow torch.
Can Cats eat Creme Brulee?
Cats can eat a spoonful of creme brulee without any health issues, but it is not recommended to offer such treats to your pet.
Cream brulee contains lots of sugar and milk, which can upset your cat’s stomach.
The occasional licked bowl or spoonful can be less harmful to your cat, but excessive feeding leads to serious gastrointestinal upset.
Is Creme Brulee safe for Cats?
Cats can have creme brulee in very small amounts as a treat.
However, store-bought creme brulee is not recommended as this is considered a human-grade food, thereby making it unsafe for cats.
If the creme brulee is homemade, you can make proper modifications to ensure the use of cat-friendly ingredients in the preparation.
Can Kittens eat creme brulee?
Kittens should be given age-specific treats specially prepared for them, as this would help in the development of their bodies. Therefore, kittens’ delicate organs and stomachs should not be loaded with human-grade treats, as this can lead to health issues.
Ingredients used in making Creme Brulee and how they affect your cat
The major reason why veterinarians do not recommend creme brulee as a regular part of a cat’s diet is due to its ingredients. Therefore, it is important to note the ingredients used in making creme brulee and their potential impact on health.
Cream or Milk
Cats are naturally lactose intolerant, which means cow milk and dairy products made from it will cause an upset in their stomach, leading to abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Cow milk also contains a lot of fat, which makes cats prone to obesity.
Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they have little of a sweet tooth. They do not have the receptors to taste sugar, so offering sugary treats to your cats is pointless.
Although sugar is non-toxic to cats, it has no benefits either, making it a source of zero calories for your pet.
Giving your cat too much sugar over time will lead to obesity, dental disease, and diabetes. For this reason, it is not recommended to offer sugary treats like creme brulee to your feline buddy.
Vanilla essence or flavors
These can be toxic to your cats if taken in high quantities, as they contain alcohol. However, to make desserts like creme brulee safe, only drops of these flavours should be used.
Other variations, like chocolate topping or shavings, should never be considered an alternative as chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats and can be fatal in higher amounts.
Eggs (yolks and whites) are beneficial to cats in moderate amounts. They can serve as sources of fats, proteins, and minerals.
Egg whites contain protein, while egg yolks, on the other hand, contain mostly fats with a little protein. Eggshells contain calcium, but they are less tasty.
High amounts of egg yolk could overload your cat with cholesterol.
Safe Alternatives to Creme Brulee
Are you looking for treats to reward or pamper your furry friend, or soothing treats in the summer?
These treats serve as a healthy alternative to creme brulee for your cats:
Pumpkins contain a lot of healthy and nourishing nutrients such as:
They are high in fiber and this helps with digestive issues.
They have few calories, thereby making them a good treat for overweight cats trying to lose weight.
Pumpkins also contain a high amount of vitamins A and C, as well as beta-carotene. These nutrients boost your cat’s immune system and keep its skin healthy.
In addition, pumpkins can also help with an upset stomach, especially if your cat is suffering from diarrhea or vomiting.
Cool Claws
Cool Claws are pet frozen treats, and they are the cat version of Frosty Paws for dogs. This pet ice cream is made with cat-friendly ingredients and is highly fortified with vitamins and minerals. It helps keep your cat nourished, healthy, and happy. It is also low in fat and calories, so your cat won’t be overweight.
The best part is that Cool Claws ice cream comes in a variety of tasty flavors, so there’s no need to worry if your cat is a picky eater.
Bone Broth
Poultry bones are dangerous for pets to chew, but when simmered and turned into broth, these bones are transformed into a rich nutritional dish.
Bone broth has a lot of health benefits for your cats, which include:
Strengthens immune system: Bone broth improves your cat’s immune system’s ability to battle illnesses.
Boost digestive tract: Collagen present in bone broth helps to strengthen the intestinal lining so bacteria from undigested food don’t pass into the bloodstream.
Keeps bones healthy: Bone broth contains calcium and phosphorus, which are important for maintaining and healing bones and teeth.
Liver detoxifying: Bone broth gives your cats lots of glycine, which is the amino acid the liver needs to clear out all the toxins present in food and water.
Can cats eat creme brule? Final Thoughts
A small amount of Creme Brulee can be safely eaten by cats. However, it should be an occasional treat, as it contains unhealthy ingredients which could negatively affect your cat’s health.