Funyuns are tasty snacks that people with a love for onion rings enjoy. They are easily accessible and are available in most supermarkets. Compared to your typical chip, Funyuns are primarily made of cornmeal but contain other ingredients.
You just bought some Funyuns to munch on, and upon tearing the nylon, your cat comes around hoping to get a bite. As a pet parent, you’re likely familiar with the pleading looks your furry friend gives you, and you’ll feel perplexed because you do not know what to do. The question that’ll keep flashing through your mind is: can cats eat Funyuns? Is this popular snack safe for them? In this article, we’ll examine its ingredients to determine whether Funyuns are a good choice for your cats.
What Are Funyuns?
Unlike Pirate’s Booty, Funyuns are an onion-flavored corn snack invented by George Wade Bigne and introduced into the United States in 1969. Funyuns mainly consists of cornmeal and is shaped like fried onion rings.
Funyuns are produced through an extrusion process, whereby cornmeal is mixed with water to create a batter. The extrusion machine kneads and heats the batter. It is moved through a chamber with low atmospheric pressure, causing the dough to rise. It is then fried to take the shape of onion rings. The main ingredients in Funyuns are enriched cornmeal, onion powder, garlic powder, oil, and salt. There are also additional ingredients which give Funyuns different flavours.
Can Cats Eat Funyuns?
Funyuns are unsafe for cats due to their salt, onions and garlic content. Onions, in particular, are toxic to cats and can lead to serious health issues, including gastrointestinal upset. This onion ring snack also offers no significant nutritional benefits to your cat. Offering Funyuns to your kitty is a recipe for several health issues, so keeping them away from your cat is best.
Are Funyuns Poisonous to Cats?
Funyun snacks are human-grade treats and are quite safe for human consumption, but you cannot say the same for our furry friends. When you take a look at the ingredients, you’ll see that these snacks are not only unhealthy, but they also contain dangerous ingredients that can cause serious health issues for your cat. Some major harmful ingredients are salt, onion powder, and garlic powder. Lets take a look at it one by one.
The salt content in Funyuns is high and can’t be considered a safe treat for cats. Salt is essential to your cat’s diet, but only in small quantities. Your cat can experience salt poisoning, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and extreme thirst, by eating too many salty snacks within a short period. In more severe circumstances, your cat may experience muscle tremors, hypertension and kidney failure.
Though fat is an essential part of your cat’s overall diet, but there’s nothing healthy about the fats in Funyuns. They are fried at 300 degrees Fahrenheit using canola oil, corn oil, or sunflower oil. The fats in these onion ring snacks are not good additions to your cat’s diet and could result in gastrointestinal upset or obesity and pancreatitis if consumed in high amounts regularly.
Onion and Garlic Powder
Onions and garlic are toxic for cats, especially in powdered form. Feeding your cat enough onions or garlic may lead to gastrointestinal upset. However, severe cases of onion and garlic toxicity are anemia.
Nutritional Imbalances
Funyuns are not a good source of cat nutrients and can contribute to dietary imbalances. They are high in calories and low in essential vitamins and minerals required by cats to maintain good health and proper functioning of the body systems.
What Happens If My Cat Eat Funyuns?
If your cat snatches a little piece of Funyuns or you feed your cat a bite, they will suffer no health effects. This doesn’t translate to feeding your cat Funyuns as a treat, as high intake within a short period can land your cat in the emergency room due to its toxic ingredients.
If your cat has eaten an entire bag or at least 6 to 7 rings of Funyuns, you need to contact your nearest veterinary clinic straight away. Salt poisoning and other detrimental effects increase the more Funyuns your cats eat in a short period. It also depends on factors such as size, weight, age and the general health of your cat.
Signs To Look Out For If Your Cat Has Eaten Too Many Funyuns
As pet parents, we all know how cunny our cats can be. If your cat snacked on a bag of Funyuns when you weren’t there, it can be hard to tell how many he has eaten and if you should contact a vet immediately. Here are some common signs to look out for:
Pale gums: If your cat’s gums appear paler than usual, it may be a sign of anemia caused by an ingredient in Funyuns.
Vomiting: Excessive consumption can cause irritation to your cat’s stomach, leading to vomiting.
Diarrhea: If your cat is experiencing loose stools, it may indicate that their digestive system is upset from consuming Funyuns.
Poor appetite: A lack of interest in food is another sign, and it may be due to overconsumption.
Lethargy: If your cat is less energetic than usual, this may indicate unease and discomfort.
These are not the only signs your cat may display, but they are very strong indicators. If you are concerned for your cat’s health, contact your vet immediately.
Any Health Benefits of Funyuns for Cats?
Most people think of Funyuns as a healthy snack option due to being gluten-free and free from trans-fat and cholesterol. However, it is important to note that since Funyuns are human-grade treats, these benefits are more applicable to humans than cats. The ingredients in this snack can lead to serious health problems for cats.
Adding corn oils to the recipe may provide some health benefits for humans but can cause allergic reactions in cats. Overall, the potential health risks of this onion ring snack, including salt and onion powder toxicity, outweigh any possible benefits. So, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your cat and opt for healthy alternatives that cater to their unique biological needs.
Can cats eat onion flavored chips?
Cats should not eat onion flavored chips as they are bad for them. Onions are toxic to cats in every form, whether in powdered form, diced, or fried.
Is it Ok for cats to eat chips?
Chips are human snacks and contain many ingredients that are only suitable for humans. These ingredients can harm your furry friends. Some popular human snacks are too salty and fatty for feline digestion and can lead to serious health problems, even in small amounts. They can also wreak havoc on your cat’s red blood cells, leading to anemia.
Are Funyuns actually Onions?
Funyuns contain no actual onion in the dough. The seasoning blend is made with onion powder and a natural toasted onion flavor. They are just cornmeal that’s been shaped, fried, and seasoned.
Funyuns are not suitable treats for cats and can potentially cause serious health problems if consumed in large quantities. Not only are they fried in unhealthy fats, but they contain high salt content and toxic garlic and onion powder, which can be harmful. It is best to avoid giving them to your cat and instead opt for treats designed specifically for cats. As pet parents, remember, sharing is caring, but only if it doesn’t harm your beloved pet. So, keep these unhealthy snacks away and out of your cat’s reach to ensure their well-being.