Guava is a popular fruit for various reasons, and most humans enjoy taking a few slices of guava or a cup of guava juice. It also has a sweet taste and a lot of health benefits for humans. However, as concerned cat parents, we often ask: since guava is beneficial for humans, can it be a suitable treat for our feline friends? Can cats eat guava?
In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss whether cats can eat guava, its potential health benefits, and possible risks. So, let’s dive in and explore this exotic fruit!
What is Guava?
Guava is a tropical fruit commonly known for its sweet and tangy flavor. It is grown in tropical and subtropical regions, including Mexico, northern South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
There are different types of guava, including pink, white, and yellow varieties. Each variety has a slightly different taste and texture.
Guava has many health benefits for humans and is rich in antioxidants. It is also an excellent source of potassium, calcium, vitamins A and C.
Can Cats Eat Guava?
Yes, cats can eat guava. In small quantities, guava is perfectly safe for cats. However, guava is not a natural part of their diet, so you should keep servings to a minimum.
Health Benefits Of Guava
Guava is packed with lots of nutrients that can offer several health benefits to humans as well as cats. So, let’s take a closer look at these nutrients:
Vitamins A and C
Guava contains a lot of vitamins A and C. Vitamin A improves cats’ vision, especially at night. It is also important for their reproduction, fur, and tooth strength.
Vitamin C encourages collagen development in bone and prevents numerous bone ailments, such as hip dysplasia and spinal problems. Vitamin C also helps maintain a healthy immune system, promote wound healing, and fight free radicals.
Guava is a rich source of potassium. This nutrient aids in maintaining proper electrolyte balance and supporting muscle and nerve functions in cats. It also enhances the health of the enzymes and nerves.
The presence of fibers in guavas helps with the cats’ digestive system.
Guavas contain Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals and helps prevent cell damage.
For the bones and skeletons to develop properly, calcium is essential. Luckily, guavas contain a decent amount of calcium to support nerve and heart health and strong blood coagulation.
Potential Health Risks Of Guava
Like with every food, feeding cats guava can pose some risks. Here are some things you need to watch out for before feeding guavas to your furry buddies:
Sugar Content
The high sugar content of guava is a major concern. Cats have a limited ability to digest carbohydrates, and too much sugar consumption can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and dental issues. So, only feed guavas to cats in small amounts and as an occasional treat.
Choking Hazards
Sometimes, raw guava flesh can be very hard to digest for cats, thereby posing a choking hazard for them. So, chop up the guava in tiny bits before feeding your cat.
Guava seeds can also be a choking hazard for cats, so it’s important to remove the seeds before offering them to your cat to prevent any potential harm.
Another potential risk is an allergic reaction. Although very rare, some cats may be allergic to guava, and consuming it can lead to gastrointestinal upset and itching. If you notice any adverse reactions after feeding your cat guava, consult a veterinarian immediately.
Excessive Consumption
It is easy to get carried away if your cat loves guava or the juice. Feeding your cat too much guava can lead to diarrhoea, as their digestive system may struggle with digesting the high carbohydrate content in the fruit. To avoid this, feed your cats guava in small amounts and monitor for any signs of digestive upset.
What Is The Amount Of Guava Suitable For Cats?
In general, cats should only be given a small amount of guava, one to at most two small pieces, as a reward. Guava is not a suitable choice for a daily treat because it has a high sugar content by nature.
Keep in mind that guava should be given as an occasional treat, and before giving it, follow the necessary precautions, such as removing the leaves, skin, and seeds, as these parts are harmful to cats.
How To Feed Guava To Cats?
The way to feed guavas to your cat is essential. Please follow these steps to do it properly:
- Wash the guava very well to eliminate pesticides, dirt, and contaminants on the fruit surface.
- Remove the skin and seeds of the guava because these parts can be hard to consume.
- Cut the guava into small pieces so your cat can eat them easily without any risk of choking.
- Serve as a treat: Guava should only be given as an occasional treat rather than a regular staple in your cat’s diet.
- It is vital to watch how your feline reacts to the first piece. If you notice any adverse effects, discontinue feeding and contact a vet.
- You can also squeeze guavas into juice. Remember not to add sugar or sweeteners to the juice, as they can be harmful.
- To get guava paste: after a thorough wash, cut the guava into smaller pieces, remove all the seeds and mash it.
Alternatives To Guava For Cats
If your cat doesn’t like guava or you want to offer a variety of treats, then consider other cat-safe fruits such as:
Blueberries: Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and can help boost a cat’s immune system. Two to three blueberries are an appropriate serving amount as an occasional treat.
Apples: Cats can eat apples as they are a great source of vitamins and fiber. An occasional small piece of apple flesh is considered safe for them, but they should not be fed the stem, leaves, and seeds.
Watermelon: Cats can eat watermelon as an occasional treat or reward. Watermelon is hydrating and contains vitamins A, B, and C. You can feed them one or two bite-sized pieces, but do not give them the seeds or pits, and always remember to only feed in moderation.
These safe alternatives can also provide your cat with the necessary nutrients they require.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can cats have guava?
Yes, cats can eat small amounts of guava in moderation without any health issues.
Can cats eat Guava Jam?
Do not give your cat guava jam or any processed guava products, as they often contain added sugars and preservatives that can be harmful to cats.
Can cats eat guava seeds?
No, guava seeds can be harmful to cats. They are small and can cause choking or intestinal blockage. Always remove the seeds before giving guava to your cat.
Can cats have guava leaves?
Guava leaves are toxic as they contain tannins that make them bitter-tasting, and they can potentially lead to stomach upset.
Can cats have guava juice?
Homemade guava juice without anything added is safe, but it will be more concentrated, so only serve a little bit. Also, avoid anything store-bought, as it will likely have added sugar, preservatives, and other chemicals that may be toxic to cats.
Can Kittens eat Guava?
Kittens need balanced nutrients from their mother’s milk in their first four weeks. After four weeks, they need 90% of the total nutrients from specially formulated kitten food. Therefore, feeding guava to kittens is not safe for them.
Final Thoughts
Now you know that guava is not only safe for your cat as an occasional treat, but it also offers its fair share of health benefits. It is important to ensure that it is offered in moderation to avoid gastrointestinal upset. Also, when feeding your cat guava, always choose fresh, ripe fruit and prepare it by cutting it into bite-sized pieces and removing the seeds.