Can Cats Eat Jerky?

By Judith Corrs 9 Min Read

Cats have a fantastic sense of smell and will easily detect when you are eating deliciously scented snacks. Jerky is a human snack food that’s highly scented and appealing to our cats, but is this a treat worth sharing with your kitty? Can cats eat jerky?

It is common knowledge that cats need a meat-based diet to thrive, but jerky may not be a suitable human snack to share with your feline companions. This article dives deep into the subject, assessing its ingredients to determine its safety for cats and offering suitable alternatives.

What is Jerky?

Jerky is usually a meat snack cut into thin strips, marinated in spices and then dried to prevent spoilage. The removal of moisture makes the jerky’s weight lighter and shelf stable so that it can be stored without refrigeration. Humans usually consume seasoned beef jerky, though there are other types of jerky made from chicken, turkey, pork, or exotic meats like ostrich. It is often enjoyed as a low-fat, high-protein snack for various outdoor activities.

Its origins stem from South America where native people dried meat as a way to preserve it. The taste depends on the type of seasonings used, but the result is usually a flavorful, chewy snack.

Can Cats Eat Jerky?

Cats should not eat jerky as it contains potentially harmful ingredients and pose a choking risk. Although cats may need a meat-based diet to thrive, jerky is not an appropriate human snack to feed your cat.

Is Jerky Safe For Cats?

Since cats are obligate carnivores, which means they require meat to thrive, you’d conclude that jerky would be an ideal snack; after all, ox meat is suitable for cats. However, the addition of other ingredients makes jerky an unsuitable snack for cats. Let’s take a look at why you shouldn’t feed it to your kitty.

Jerky Ingredients and Potential Hazards

High Sodium Content

Jerky has a high sodium content due to the curing process, which can be harmful to cats. Excessive salt intake can lead to salt poisoning in cats, causing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and extreme cases like high seizures, high blood pressure, and kidney problems.

Spices and Seasonings

The primary concern with jerky is the addition of spices and seasonings that are not safe for cats to consume. Jerkies contain garlic and onion, which are toxic to cats. Ingestion of these ingredients, even in small amounts, can cause gastrointestinal upset, anemia, and other severe health issues.


Apart from salt, sodium nitrite is often used as a preservative in jerky as it kills meat bacteria. Unfortunately, excessive consumption can cause cancer in humans. If it is a potential carcinogen for humans, then it’s not the best option for your cat.

Choking Hazard

Dehydration transforms raw meat into beef jerky, making it shelf-stable, but also makes it tough. Your cat’s small, sharp teeth are made to tear fresh meat, but jerky’s hard texture may pose a choking hazard as your kitty may try to swallow it whole and get it lodged in his throat.

Silica Gel Packets

When you open a package of jerky, you will find a little packet that says “DO NOT EAT”; that’s silica gel. Silica gel is a desiccant; for absorbing moisture and maintaining freshness. Unfortunately, your cat may find the tiny beads attractive and accidentally ingest them.


Just like us, your cat can have food allergies, and the foods commonly associated with causing allergic reactions in cats are protein-based. Beef, fish, chicken, and dairy are the four most common food allergens in cats. Here are the symptoms that show your cat has been exposed to an allergen.

  • Itching
  • Crusty little bumps on their skin and all over the body, filled with fluid
  • Gastrointestinal signs (vomiting and diarrhea)
  • Dull Coat
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Inflammation
  • Hair loss

Considering these factors, while the base ingredient, which can be beef, chicken, turkey, pork, or exotic meats, is not inherently harmful, the additional ingredients and the form it takes after the removal of moisture make jerky a risky treat for cats.

What Do I Do If My Cat Eats Jerky?

In most situations, your cat will be fine after eating a small piece of jerky (either beef, chicken, turkey, pork, or exotic meats), as it won’t do any harm to your cat’s health. Watch out if your cat isn’t choking on it. However, in case your cat has ingested a significant amount of jerky, here are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain.
  • Lethargy
  • Breathing difficulties

If you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Can pets eat jerky?

Pets can only eat tiny pieces of plain and unseasoned jerky in moderation, but this is not recommended because the tough texture of jerky can pose choking hazards to your pets. Seasoned jerky or jerky designed for humans contains ingredients which are toxic to pets and should be avoided.

Can cats eat beef jerky?

While beef jerky may be a tasty snack for humans, it’s not a suitable snack for cats. The high salt content and toxic seasonings make it a bad choice for our feline friends. Not only does it contain potentially harmful ingredients, but its tough and rubbery texture can be difficult for your cat to chew and digest.

Is it safe for cats to eat turkey jerky?

Turkey jerky is not safe for cat consumption. Cats cannot handle the high amounts of sodium in turkey jerky and their digestive systems cannot handle the toxic preservatives as well.

Is there jerky for cats?

Yes, there are jerky treats specifically made for cats. Cat jerky treats contain no seasonings and additives, and they also have a softer texture making it easier to chew for your cat to reduce the risk of choking.

Alternatives to Jerky for Cats

If you’re keen on giving your furry companions treats, then consider safer alternatives that cater to their dietary needs.

Commercial Cat Treats

These are specifically for cats and come in a variety of flavors. They’re formulated to be nutritious, appealing to a cat’s palate, and free from harmful ingredients.

Plain Cooked Meat

If you are considering a meaty treat, then offer small pieces of plain cooked beef, chicken, or turkey. Avoid using any sauces or seasonings, and ensure the meat is bone-free to prevent choking.

Dried Fish

Dried fish or seafood (squid, cuttlefish, etc.) treats are specially processed without any additives or seasonings. They are safe options for your cat, and they contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for maintaining your cat’s joint health. Also, they’re a high-protein source and healthy fats.

Can Cats Eat Jerky? Final Thoughts

Our cats depend on us to make the best choices for their diet and overall well-being. If a food item is safe for human consumption, it doesn’t automatically mean it is suitable for cats. It’s best to avoid serving jerky to your cat and feed them high-quality commercial treats instead, as jerky contains seasonings and additives which are harmful to your feline friend.

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