If you’re a cat owner and a fan of Japanese cuisine, you may be wondering: can cats eat natto? Natto is a traditional Japanese food widely known for its unique smell, sticky texture and health-promoting properties in humans.
In this blog post, we’ll explore whether natto is safe for cats to consume, its potential benefits, and its associated risks. We’ll also dive into other cat-friendly alternatives to natto that you can share with your furry buddy. So, keep reading.
What is Natto?
Natto is a traditional Japanese food made by fermenting soybeans with Bacillus subtilis. This fermentation process gives natto a sticky texture, nutty flavour and a strong, pungent smell. Natto is rich in protein, vitamins (especially vitamin K2), minerals and has probiotic properties. In recent years, natto has become a popular dish worldwide as a unique and nutritious food option.
Can Cats Eat Natto?
The answer is yes; cats can eat natto. It is a nutritious food that can offer your cat several health benefits. Soybeans, the primary ingredient in natto, are a great source of protein, and the fermentation process makes natto a rich source of probiotics. Natto also contains an enzyme called nattokinase, which helps control blood pressure and promotes digestion.
What Are The Nutritional Benefits of Feeding Natto to Cats?
Let’s delve into the possible benefits your cat could get from consuming natto:
Vitamin K2 and Calcium
Natto has significant amounts of vitamin K2 and calcium, essential for bone health. These nutrients also aid processes like blood clotting bone metabolism, and improve heart health.
Vitamin B5, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6
Vitamin B5 helps convert fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy, thereby enhancing physical strength. Vitamin C and B6 both help to fight against infection and strengthen your cat’s immune system.
Fiber and Folic acid
The fiber content in natto helps improve digestive health, while folic acid is important for cell growth.
Natto has about 18 grams of protein per 100g, making it a good source of plant-based protein.
Nattokinase is the sticky component of natto that forms during soybean fermentation. Nattokinase enhances blood circulation and prevents clotting, as a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.
Bacillus subtilis, the beneficial gut bacteria in natto, helps to prevent diarrhea and constipation by improving gut health. It also helps to promote nutrient absorption by improving digestion, making it easier for your cat to extract essential nutrients from their meals.
Potential Risks of Feeding Natto to Cats
Let us take a look at how natto could pose some health risks to your cats below:
The fermentation process and potential toxicity
Various byproducts are produced during fermentation, and some compounds may harm your cats. Biogenic amines such as tyramine and histamine are produced, and ingesting large amounts could lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Your cat can also experience allergic reactions from its intake. Although the level of these compounds is low in natto, it is also an important consideration when introducing natto to your cat.
Vitamin K overdose
Natto has a high vitamin K content, which interferes with certain medications and disrupts their treatment. For this reason, do not feed natto to cats on medications (especially cats taking anticoagulants), as it can affect blood clotting and lead to several health problems.
Excessive intake
Natto can provide many health benefits for your cats when given in moderation. Excessive feeding can cause digestive issues, such as stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Soy allergy
Soybeans, the main ingredient in natto, are a known allergen. Cats that are sensitive to soy can have allergic reactions. Signs of an allergic reaction to watch out for:
- Digestive problems, including vomiting and diarrhea
- Skin problems, including hives, facial swelling, and itchiness
- Shortness of breath
How To Safely Feed Natto to Cats
Start with small quantities: It is important to start incorporating natto bit by bit into your cat’s diet. You can start with a teaspoon to check for any allergic reaction before offering more. Discontinue feeding if you notice any signs of allergic reactions, and consult your vet.
Mix Natto with your cat’s food: You can mix nato with their preferred protein, such as plain chicken or rice. Another suitable method is to blend natto into a paste and serve it as a meal topper. If you are using it as a meal topper, serve it plain. Do not add any oil and seasoning to the paste before serving.
Finding a balance: We are all aware that natto has a lot of health benefits, but it should be at most 10% of your cat’s daily food intake. The other 90% should consist of only high-quality animal-based protein that provides your cat with all the essential nutrients it requires. When it comes to giving human foods to cats, moderation is key.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is nattokinase safe for cats?
Nattokinase is safe for cats to eat in moderation. It has an abundance of nutrients and can offer your cat many health benefits.
Can Cats eat Natto every day?
Cats should not eat natto every day as it can affect their health negatively. Cats should only eat natto in small amounts occasionally.
Alternatives to Natto for Cats
Here are healthier and safer alternatives to natto.
Lean proteins
Cooked lean proteins such as chicken and turkey are great options for cats. They provide a high-quality source of protein that is easy to digest. Remember not to add any seasoning when cooking, and do not offer the bone to your cat as they can pose a choking hazard.
Plain yoghurt or kefir
Add plain yoghurt or kefir to your cat’s food for a probiotic-rich alternative to natto. Probiotics are good bacteria that promote a healthy gut and help with gastrointestinal infections. They also support digestive health.
Bone Broth
Homemade bone broth cooked plain without adding seasonings or toxic ingredients is safe for your cat. Bone broth is rich in amino acids and collagen, which can help with hydration, support joint health, and promote healthy skin and coat.
Can Cats Eat Natto? Final Thoughts
Cats can eat natto as it contains an abundance of nutrients. It can promote their gut health as well as strengthen bones and muscles. For cats to gain more from its health benefits, it is important to feed in moderation and see it as a treat. It is also vital to consider the potential health risks, especially regarding allergies. So feed in small amounts and occasionally. Do not make it an everyday treat or as a replacement for their required daily nutrition. As caring pet parents, a balanced diet is the key to a healthy and happy cat.