Cats are obligate or true carnivores, and they require meat in their diet. Cats rely on nutrients from meat since they cannot obtain them from plant sources or from synthesis in their own body.
Ox is a castrated adult male cattle trained to work as a draft animal (pulling carts and plows), and humans love to consume ox in different recipes. It’s normal to wonder if your cat can eat some too. This brings up the question: can cats eat ox? Is it safe for them? Keep reading to learn more about feeding your cat ox meat.
Cats Nutrition 101
Unlike dogs, cats cannot handle too much starchy carbs in their diet. Rather, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they must eat meat to survive. You don’t have to feed your kitty meat every night for dinner, but it is expected that meat products must make up the majority of their diet. It can be dry kibble, canned food, or a combination.
Can Cats Eat Ox?
Since cats are carnivores, the straightforward answer to this question is a big yes. Ox meat that is slowly cooked all the way through is perfectly okay for cats to eat. It is high in protein and contains several vital nutrients that cats need to stay healthy, so this makes it a high-quality snack on the health front. In addition, most cats like to eat meat, so they are likely to enjoy ox meat every now and then.
Keep in mind that cooked ox meat for cats needs to be completely plain and well cooked so that all the possible viruses and bacteria on it are killed. It must contain no sauce or seasoning. Since humans like to cover their meats in sauce and sprinkle a lot of spices and herbs, it’s best to cook your cat’s ox meat separately to be on the safe side. As far as the cooking methods are concerned, it is best to opt for boiled, grilled, or baked. Avoid serving it as fried because it contains lots of fat.
Health Benefits of Ox meat
Apart from being a rich protein source, which is important for muscle growth and maintenance in cats, it also contains several vital nutrients such as vitamins and amino acids. Cats need these nutrients to survive, but they cannot produce on their own. These nutrients include:
Vitamin A: Since a cat’s body does not have the necessary enzymes to absorb vitamin A properly, supplementation is required. Lack of vitamin A can make your cat blind. Vitamin A is also responsible for healthy skin and supports the immune system.
Iron: Iron is required to form hemoglobin (which is a part of the red blood cells that transports oxygen and removes carbon dioxide). It can be found in large quantities in red meats.
Zinc: Zinc helps in cell production and growth. The cat’s body also uses it in healing and recovery. In addition, zinc helps support the immune system in preventing illness.
B Vitamins: It is a good source of vital, water-soluble B vitamins that are responsible for healthy metabolism and the immune system.
Taurine: Taurine can only be found in animal proteins. It is an essential amino acid that cats need in their diet. Taurine is critical to a cat’s health as it supports vision and heart health.
Arginine: Cats cannot produce arginine, an essential amino acid that is the building block for protein on their own. Arginine deficiencies can cause vomiting, drooling, lethargy, and convulsions.
How to Feed Ox meat to Cats
Buy the ground ox meat and prepare it yourself to ensure it is safe for your kitty to eat. Boil it slowly in a pot with the lid on for about 45 minutes. Let it cool and serve. Do not add salt or any other seasonings. Avoid frying the meat because the oil is high in fat, and its other ingredients may not be suitable for your cat.
If ox meat is an occasional treat for your cat, it should account for not more than 10% of your cat’s daily intake. Try serving a small portion at first.
Can Cats Eat Raw Ox?
Raw ox meat contains a good amount of moisture in addition to protein and other essential nutrients. For cats that dislike drinking a lot of water, raw ox can serve as an excellent supplement to help lower the risk of dehydration. However, the major challenge with raw ox is in its quality and handling process. Feeding your cat raw ox can make them sick from bacteria and parasites in the meat. Your cat is susceptible to food poisoning from eating it. Your cat can also accidentally ingest a small piece of bone, which can lead to choking.
While trying to compare wild cats to domesticated cats, it is essential to understand that wild cats have a gut that can easily digest raw meat compared to their domesticated counterparts. So, it is best to cook any meat before feeding it to your cat to remove any risk of salmonella or other food-borne illnesses.
Can Cats Eat Ox Liver?
In small quantities, liver is not only safe for your cats to eat, but it also has a lot of health benefits for them. The liver contains vitamins A and B. It is also well-known to contain essential minerals like taurine. Liver should only be fed to your cat in moderation and as an occasional treat, as it is high in fat. Feeding your cat liver at every meal can cause Vitamin A toxicity, leading to muscle soreness. Liver should not constitute more than 5%-10% of your cat’s total diet, which is equivalent to one meal a week.
Can Cats Eat Oxtail?
Cats can eat oxtail, but it should only be fed in moderation as an occasional treat and prepared correctly. However, the major potential risks associated with cats eating oxtail are choking hazards and bone splinters. Not all cats are capable of chewing and digesting bones even when appropriately cooked, so it is best to avoid feeding your cat.
Can Cats Eat Ox tongue?
Ox tongue is safe for cats to eat as it is rich in protein and fat, which is beneficial for your furry friend’s diet.
Final Thoughts
Ox meat is safe to feed your cat but keep in mind that you should prepare it without salt, seasonings, or oil. Always remember that despite meat being a natural part of a wild feline’s diet, overeating can lead to several health complications for domesticated cats, so it should be eaten in moderation.