Pizza rolls are a pleasing comfort food, and many people enjoy them. Since pizza rolls are considered food for humans, many cat owners often ask whether their cats can eat them. Pet owners often wonder if pizza rolls are safe to give their cats or whether they can get sick from eating them. I know you have a similar question: Can cats eat pizza rolls?
While pizza rolls are undeniably satisfying, they aren’t a healthy treat for your furry buddy, and some of its ingredients are toxic to cats. So, read on to learn more about the ingredients in pizza rolls and how they can cause potential health issues for your cat.
What Are Pizza Rolls?
Pizza rolls, also known as pizza bites, are a type of snack with bite-sized breaded pizza pockets. The interior usually contains tomato sauce, imitation cheese, and various pizza toppings. They are a popular snack food and are sold in a variety of flavors such as cheese, pepperoni, sausage, supreme, and mixed meats.
Cat Nutrition 101
Cats need a balanced diet to be able to grow, stay active, maintain their body, and fight or recover from any illnesses. As a caring pet parent, you must be aware of the right ingredients to include in your cat’s diet for their overall health and well-being.
Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they rely on nutrients found only in animal products. Cats were originally hunters and would feed on their prey to get high amounts of protein, moderate amounts of fats, and carbohydrates to maintain their nutritional diet. Today, most cats are domesticated and do not need to hunt, but they still require their food to contain the right amounts of nutrients to live a healthy life.
Cats also need nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, and amino acids. The best diet for cats will contain all the essential nutrients in the right proportions.
Can Cats Eat Pizza Rolls?
Cats should not eat pizza rolls. Cats are obligate carnivores and only require a diet high in protein from animal sources. Their nutritional needs are unique and cannot be fulfilled by human foods. The toppings and seasonings present in pizza rolls can affect their health. Moreover, the high fat and sodium content in pizza rolls can lead to obesity and other related health issues over time.
Is Pizza Rolls Safe For Cats?
Before answering the question of whether pizza rolls are safe for cats or not, let’s take a look at the ingredients of pizza rolls and how they might affect a cat’s health:
Ingredients in Pizza Rolls
The yeast in raw pizza roll dough can cause a deadly expansion and create alcohol in the stomach, thereby leading to alcohol poisoning.
Cheese and Dairy
Most cats are lactose intolerant and can’t handle lactose. So, the cheese in pizza rolls might make them sick.
Sauce and Toppings
Garlic and onions are mostly used in pizza rolls, sauces, and toppings. These ingredients are toxic to cats, even in small amounts, and can lead to hemolytic anemia.
Since all the ingredients used in pizza rolls are toxic to cats, so the answer to the question of whether pizza rolls are safe for cats is technically No. Pizza rolls are not a nutritious or ideal food for cats. They are high in fat and calories and lack the essential nutrients cats need to stay healthy.
Potential Health Risks of Feeding Pizza Rolls to Cats
Pizza rolls incorporate a range of ingredients that can pose serious health risks to cats.
Digestive Upset
Dairy-rich and high-fat contents of pizza rolls can cause gastrointestinal distress in cats, including vomiting, diarrhea, and upset stomach.
The high-fat content and high carbohydrate content in pizza rolls can lead to obesity in cats.
Just like humans, cats can also have food intolerance or allergies. Some ingredients in pizza rolls can trigger an allergic reaction or cause food intolerance, leading to discomfort and an upset stomach.
Concerns with Nutritional Balance
Pizza rolls do not meet the nutritional requirements of cats, who are obviously obligate carnivores. Feeding them pizza rolls can disrupt their nutritional balance and lead to deficiencies.
Risk of Anemia and Red Blood Cell Damage
Pizza rolls contain onions and garlic, which are toxic to cats. These ingredients contain compounds that can cause oxidative damage to a cat’s red blood cells, thereby leading to anemia.
What Happens If My Cat Mistakenly Eat Pizza Rolls?
If your cat consumes pizza rolls by accident, it is important to monitor them for any signs of gastrointestinal upset. In case of any abnormal behavior or symptoms after ingestion, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Safe Alternatives
Since pizza rolls are not a healthy choice for cats, here are other safe, cat-friendly snack options that prioritize their health and safety.
Bananas are rich in fiber, a great source of potassium, and are safe for cats.
Fish contains nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. The best way to feed your cat is to cut the fish into small pieces and boil it without any seasonings.
Meat is rich in animal protein and amino acids. Meat is the main nutrient source for cats. You can feed your cat any type of meat; just ensure it’s cooked and served plain, without any sauces or seasonings.
Eggs are an excellent source of protein. You can safely feed your cat eggs as long as they’re cooked (scrambled or boiled). Do not give your kitty raw eggs, as they carry the risk of certain viruses and bacteria, such as E. Coli and Salmonella.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe for cats to eat pizza?
Pizza is not safe for cats to eat. Many pizza toppings are harmful to cats. They contain onions, garlic, and certain spices that are toxic. Also, processed meats like pepperoni or sausage might contain harmful ingredients and high salt levels. Additionally, veggies like mushrooms might not sit well with a cat’s digestive system.
Can cats eat pizza crust?
Pizza crust is not toxic to cats and offers no nutritional value, either. Feeding cats plain bread-like foods, such as pizza crust, is not advisable since they can be hard to digest.
Can cats eat pizza cheese?
Cheese from pizza can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and the lactose in cheese can cause symptoms such as stomach pain and diarrhea.
Can cats eat pizza sauce?
Pizza sauce contains garlic and onions, which are toxic to cats. Even in small amounts, these ingredients can cause severe health complications, so pizza sauce should be avoided.
Final Thoughts
Although there are a variety of opinions on the matter, it is generally agreed that cats should not eat pizza rolls. Pizza rolls do not align with what is beneficial to their health. Pizza rolls pose several risks to cats due to their high-fat content and toxic ingredients like garlic, onion, and cheese. The consumption of these ingredients can contribute to health problems such as obesity and digestive issues. If you’re looking for a snack to share with your feline friend, try a safer alternative.
Are you stuck in any situation related to your cat’s diet? Feel free to ask us anytime, as we love helping you!