Can Cats Eat Red Currants? Is Red Currant Safe For Cats?

By Judith Corrs 8 Min Read

Redcurrants are not widely common in the United States because of the difficulty of obtaining the fruit, especially during the period of restriction. If you’re someone who loves this fruit, you may be wondering: Can cats eat red currants? Is red currant safe for cats?

Yes, cats can safely eat red currants, but that doesn’t mean they should get free access to a bowl of fruit. So read on to learn about the potential benefits and risks, as well as how to share this fruit with your cat safely.

What Is Red Currant?

Red currant or redcurrant is a member of the gooseberry family. It is native to Western Europe. They are shiny little berries that grow low on bushes, hanging from the branches like rows of miniature gems.

Red currants have a little tart but sweet flavor. They have a high vitamin C content and go well with other berries and fruits, such as raspberries and strawberries. They can also be frosted with egg white and caster sugar and used as a decoration for cocktails and puddings.

Can Cats Eat Red Currants?

Yes, cats can eat red currants, and they are not considered toxic to them. However, they could cause stomach upset in larger quantities. So either feed sparingly or don’t feed at all.

Potential Health Benefits

Currants benefit your cat’s health in several ways:

A good source of Fiber

Redcurrants are rich in fiber. Just one ounce (28 grams) of redcurrants contains between 1–2 grams of fiber. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Fiber also aids digestive health and prevents constipation, making bowel movements easier to manage.


Redcurrants are rich in potassium, which aids in nerve function, muscular contraction, and heart rhythm.


Redcurrants contain antioxidants that help protect cells from the harmful damage that can be caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. These free radicals contribute to inflammation and many diseases, including cancer.

Vitamin C

Redcurrants are very rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in tissue growth and maintenance. It strengthens the immune system and can also create and maintain collagen.

Vitamin K

Redcurrants are a good source of vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting.

Any Risks?

Compared to their counterpart Black Currant, redcurrants are non-toxic. They are also not a cat superfood. Cats indulging in large quantities may experience mild gastrointestinal upset. So moderation is key.

Unripe redcurrants have a tart taste. So feed only the ripe ones.

Beware of plants that have similar features as red currant but are toxic to your feline friends. For example, plants like the American black currant and certain varieties of woodland Anemone may look harmless but can pose serious health risks to cats if ingested.

Understanding The Meaning Of Non-Toxicity

Non-toxicity is a common term that brings peace of mind to cat owners and puts a smile on their faces. So let’s explain what it entails:

A non-toxic plant like Red Currant does not contain any poisonous chemicals that can cause severe health risks if ingested.

A mild gastrointestinal upset can occur if a cat eats large amounts of the plant.

It’s essential to monitor your cat’s reaction when feeding and consult a vet if you notice unusual symptoms.

How Many Red Currants Can I Feed My Cat?

Determining the appropriate quantity of redcurrants to feed your cat is vital for maintaining their health and overall well-being. Let’s talk about the major things to consider:

  • Moderation is Key: You should only feed redcurrant to your cat occasionally as all fruits are high in sugar, so they should only be given as a treat/reward. Keep in mind that treats should only account for 10% of your cat’s diet, regardless of size. Excessive consumption can lead to digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea.
  • It is also important to note that every cat is different, and there’s no telling how many redcurrants are safe for them. Ideally, it’s best to offer a few redcurrants (a teaspoon) at most.
  • Monitoring for Reactions: When introducing redcurrants to your cat for the first time, start with a small portion, then observe for any adverse reactions.
  • Consult Your Veterinarian: A large quantity of redcurrants consumed at once can be dangerous. If you discover that your cat has helped themselves to an entire bowl of redcurrants, then it’s time to phone the vet.

How to Safely Feed Red Currants to Cats

Consider the following steps to feed redcurrant to your furry friend safely.

  1. Choose fresh and ripe redcurrants: Ensure they are fresh, ripe, and free from mold, as well as any signs of spoilage.
  2. Thoroughly wash: Wash the redcurrant to remove any residues or contaminants.
  3. Cut into bits: It is best to cut into bits and remove the leaves and stems to prevent the risk of choking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Currant leaves toxic to cats?

Black currant leaves are toxic to cats because they contain oxalates.

Can cats eat red berries?

Yes, cats can eat red berries. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and huckleberries are all safe for cats. They are highly nutritious as they contain antioxidants, flavonoids, fiber, as well as vitamins A, C, K, and E. Keep in mind to cut each berry into bite-size portions before feeding your cat to avoid choking hazards.

Which fruits can a cat not eat?

Here is a list of toxic fruits for cats that should be avoided:

  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Citrus fruits like lemons and limes

Are red currants safe to eat?

Yes, red currants are edible and are safe to eat. Red currants have a tart, slightly sweet flavor when ripe and are mostly consumed raw as fresh fruit. They are also high in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Is red currant bad for cats?

Red currant is non-toxic to cats, but it should be fed in moderation.

What is red currant rich in?

Red currants are rich sources of vitamins A, C, and E, fiber, Potassium, and antioxidants.

Final Thoughts

Cats can have red currant as a treat occasionally. Like many fruits, they have a lot of nutritional benefits that can positively impact your cat’s health. However, feeding them in moderation is important, as consuming too many red currants can cause health issues.

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